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Kinahugan Falls

The Kinahugan Falls is breathtakingly beautiful and very scenic with verdant foliage at the top and some clinging for dear life at the sides of the cliff giving the white falling water a green backdrop. The sides of the cliffs are covered with moss adding to the green background.

We are not talking of one fall here. In fact, there are three falls. The center fall is flanked by another on the northern part and the other is on the southern part. Two faces of the cliff have only minimal water falling over it. Much of the water is concentrated on the third falls and the water here is gushing and swift and produces a roar when it hits rock bottom.

The cliff is about 50 feet high and so the water produces a fine mist when it hits the bottom of the cliff. The surroundings are covered with dew owing to the mist which resulted to the side of the cliff, rocks and boulders to be covered with moss.

With centuries of being battered by the rushing waters, a hollow on the ground below the falls has been formed into a big pool of about 15 feet deep and 60 feet in diameter. Excess water from the pool rushes out and snakes its way, thru dense vegetation and over rugged terrain, towards the sea.

Bathing in the cool waters and looking towards the three falls, you will feel hemmed in by the cascading waters, the moss-covered cliffs and the green jungle that surrounds you. With the clear blue sky above and its reflection on the waters, you will surely feel you are in paradise!

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Just above the water edge, a contour or a ledge can be maneuvered in order to go near the falls. Experience the heady feeling of leaning on the cliffside and letting the cool waters flow over you. What more, if you go under the gushing and larger falls, you will get instant and free massage!

Mind you, the falls are good backdrop for any pictures. It is alluring enough to have the smaller falls as your background but more beautiful if you can make it to the bigger falls. But do watch your step. The ledge is slippery.

You can sit down on the ledge and relax as you dangle your feet in the water immediately below it. Some portions of the water basin are shallow. Adults can immerse in it for the water is up to the buttocks only. The center portion though is very deep.

Swimmers can do their laps across the pool or practice other strokes. It is really an advantage if you know how to swim for you can play in the pool and do a dive or two. Non-swimmers can only look on, envying the swimmer’s antics, satisfied by staying put and using a dipper in order to bathe.

Adults should watch out for the kids. The water is swift and may carry them away. It is a good idea if they bring their floaters along during the trip.

Tropical trees with hanging vines and coconut palm trees grew around the pool of water as well as alongside the river. There are lots and lots of ferns and air plants with roots imbedded in cracks and crevices on the face of the cliffside, among the rocks and boulders that surrounds the pool and alongside the stream.

Where Kinahugan Falls is Located

The Kinahugan Falls is located in Sitio Karap-angan, Cabungaan, Jagna, Bohol. Situated 5 kilometers from the Poblacion of Jagna thru a winding trail, it is only a kilometer away from the Cabungaan Elementary School. At a relaxed pace, the falls can be reached in one and a half hours.

Jagna is a bustling port town situated 63.1 kilometers from Tagbilaran City, the capital and lone city of the province of Bohol. It lies at the southern coast of Bohol and is a 5th class municipality with a land area covering 12,063 hectares and a population of 32,034 according to the 2007 census.

Jagna is known throughout the Philippines as the place where the very tasty “calamay” is made. This delicacy is made from ground “malagkit” rice, coconut milk and sugar. Peanuts are added in for flavor.

Top of Kinahugan Falls


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