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Alicia Church: Sts Joachim & Anne


Alicia Church is a historic church located in the town of Alicia in the province of Bohol, Philippines. It is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Bohol, and is known for its beautiful architecture and its rich history.

The Alicia Church was built in the 18th century by the Spanish missionaries. It is made of coral stones and bricks, and has a simple yet elegant design. The interior of the church is decorated with beautiful paintings and sculptures.

Alicia Church of St. Joachim and Ann Parish 

The Alicia Church of St. Joachim and Ann Parish is a significant religious landmark in Alicia. This church is known for its beautiful Gothic-inspired architecture, featuring intricate details and ornate designs. The inhabitants of Alicia are predominantly Roman Catholics and their faith revolved around the parish and  Alicia Church. The Patron Saint of the town is San Joaquin whose feast day falls around July 26.

untold story of Saints Joachim and Anne


The Patron Saint of the Alicia Church is San Joaquin whose feast day falls around July 26. Saints Joachim and Anne, also known as the parents of Mary, hold a significant place in Christian tradition and are revered as holy figures in various religious communities. Although their story is not recorded in the canonical Gospels, it has been passed down through oral tradition and apocryphal writings.

According to tradition, Joachim and Anne were a devout Jewish couple living in Nazareth during the first century BCE. They were deeply faithful and righteous, but they faced a great sorrow in their lives: they were childless and advanced in age. This was considered a great disappointment and source of shame in their society, as having children was seen as a blessing from God.

Joachim, feeling discouraged and rejected, went into the wilderness to pray and seek solace. Meanwhile, Anne fervently prayed for a child in their home. Both of their prayers were heard by God, who sent an angel to deliver the good news. The angel appeared to Joachim and Anne separately, informing them that they would conceive a child who would become highly favored by God and play a significant role in His divine plan.

Joyfully reunited, Joachim and Anne received the gift of their daughter, Mary, who would later become the mother of Jesus Christ. Mary was born without original sin, according to Catholic belief, and she grew up in a loving and devout household under the guidance of her pious parents.

Joachim and Anne's story symbolizes hope, faith, and the power of prayer. They exemplify the importance of trust in God's providence and the fulfillment of His divine plan. The couple's devotion and righteousness prepared them to be the parents of the Virgin Mary, who played a vital role in the salvation of humanity through the birth of Jesus Christ.

While the details of Joachim and Anne's lives are not explicitly documented in the Bible, their veneration and reverence as saints reflect the profound impact they had on Alicia Church, Christian spirituality and devotion. Their example continues to inspire Alicia Church members and believers to embrace faith, persevere through difficulties, and trust in God's divine timing and purpose.

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jurisdiction of the Diocese of Talibon


The Alicia Church Parish is under the jurisdiction of the Diocese of Talibon in the Philippines. The Diocese of Talibon is a Roman Catholic diocese located in the province of Bohol. It was established on November 8, 1949, and the Most Holy Trinity Cathedral in Talibon serves as its seat.

The Diocese of Talibon is responsible for overseeing the spiritual and pastoral care of the Catholic faithful in its jurisdiction, which includes the town of Alicia. The parish in Alicia is dedicated to St. Joachim and Anne, the parents of the Virgin Mary. Alicia Church serves as a place of worship, prayer, and spiritual guidance for the Catholic community in the area.

Under the leadership of the bishop and the clergy, the Diocese of Talibon organizes various religious activities, sacraments, and pastoral programs to nurture the faith of the people. The diocese plays an important role in promoting Catholic teachings, fostering Christian values, and providing support and assistance to the parishes within its territory.

The Alicia Church and Parish, as part of the Diocese of Talibon, actively participates in the diocesan activities and initiatives, such as celebrations, pilgrimages, and religious gatherings. The parish community strives to deepen the faith of its members, promote unity and charity, and contribute to the spiritual growth and well-being of the faithful.

Overall, the Diocese of Talibon and the Alicia Church and Parish work together to fulfill their mission of spreading the Gospel, administering the sacraments, and shepherding the Catholic community in their journey of faith.

history of alicia

The municipality of Alicia, formerly known as Batuanan, has a rich history that dates back to the Spanish colonial period. The village of Batuanan was established in 1829 as a resettlement area for the followers of Francisco Dagohoy, who had surrendered. The town was created by the Military Commander of Bohol, Don Manuel Sanz, and became a separate parish in 1829. However, Batuanan faced numerous challenges, including an unhealthy location near a malaria-infested river and infertile soil. The absence of a resident priest and the destruction of important infrastructure further hindered the town's development.

In 1879, the Politico-Military Governor of Bohol dissolved Batuanan and converted it into a barrio of Candijay. Despite this, Batuanan continued to have its own town officials, maintaining a unique identity within Candijay. During the American period, Batuanan was once again abolished and made a barrio of the Municipality of Mabini in 1903. Over time, the residents of Batuanan became more involved in governance, with some serving as mayors, vice mayors, and councilors of Mabini.

The desire for township resurfaced, and with the support of Governor Jacinto Borja, a petition for the conversion of Batuanan into a municipality was presented to President Quirino. The President, who was campaigning for election, signed Executive Order No. 265 on September 16, 1949, officially converting Batuanan into the municipality of Alicia. The order took effect on November 8, 1949, and Batuanan was restored to its former status as a regular municipality.

Today, Alicia stands as a municipality with a unique history and cultural heritage. It continues to progress and thrive, offering visitors a glimpse into its past and a chance to explore its natural wonders and attractions.

Check the Bohol Tourism website for more information.
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Address: Talibon, Bohol, Philippines